Welcome to the Adison Altamirano web site

Landscape Ecology and Conservation Lab (www.lepfor.ufro.cl)
Department of Forest Sciences and Environment
Universidad de La Frontera
Temuco - Chile
I did my PhD in the Universidad Austral (Chile) which I finished in 2007. My supervisor was Dr Antonio Lara, and my thesis was focused in Landscape Ecology topics. Specifically this research aimed to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of land use/cover change and its impacts on species diversity patterns. Then, I did my postdoc in the School of Geography at Nottingham University (UK), working on modelling of plant species distribution.
Currently I am the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment at Universidad de La Frontera (Temuco-Chile). Also, I work as Associate professor at the Department of Forest Sciences and Environment. My main activities are research and teaching for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Moreover, I am the Head of the Laboratory of Landscape Ecology and Conservation, and participate as part of the academic staff of the PhD program in Agro-food Sciences and Environment, and the Master Program in Natural Resources Management.
My research topic is Landscape Ecology being the main focus of my study: land use/cover patterns, forest loss dynamic, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, and ecological modeling. To do this I am involved to other disciplines as ecology, statistics, GIS, and remote sensing.
I collaborate with colleagues from different research institutions, countries and disciplines, some of them are: Adam Algar, Paul Aplin, Luis Cayuela, Carlos Di Bella, Richard Field, Antonio Lara, Fulgencio Lisón, Paula Meli, Alejandro Miranda, and José M. Rey Benayas.