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• Martín-Gallego P, Marston C, Altamirano A, Pauchard A. 2024. Mapping alien and native forest dynamics in Chile using Earth observation time series analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 560: 121847. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121847

• Manterola C, Rivadeneira J, Leal P, Rojas-Pincheira C, Altamirano A. 2024. One Health. A Multisectoral and Transdisciplinary Health Approach. International Journal of Morphology 42 (3): 779-786.

• Gutierrez J, Altamirano A, Pauchard A, Meli P. 2024. Proximity to tree plantations is associated with presence and abundance of invasive plants in landscapes of south-central Chile. Neobiota 92: 129–153. DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.92.112164

• Meli P, Vieli L, Spirito F, Reyes-Riveros R, Gonzalez-Suhr C, Altamirano A. 2023. The importance of considering human well-being to understand social preferences of ecosystem services. Journal for Nature Conservation 72: 126344

• Miranda A, Catalán G, Altamirano A,  Zamorano C, Cavieres M, Guerra J, Mola B. 2021. How much can we see from a UAV mounted regular camera? Remote sensing-based estimation of forest attributes in South American native forests. Remote Sensing 13 (11) 2151. doi: 10.3390/rs13112151

• Reyes-Riveros R, Altamirano A,  De La Barrera F, Rozas D, Vieli L, Meli P. 2021. Linking public urban green spaces and human well-being: A systematic review. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. doi:

• Boso A, Alvarez B, Pérez B, Imio JC, Altamirano A, Lison F. 2021. Understanding human attitudes towards bats and the role of information and aesthetics to boost a positive response as a conservation tool. Animal Conservation. doi: 10.1111/acv.12692

• Altamirano A,  Miranda A, Aplin P, Carrasco J, Catalán G, Cayuela-Delgado L, Fuentes-Castillo T, Hernández A, Martínez-Harms María J, Peluso F, Prado M, Reyes-Riveros R, Van Holt T, Vergara C, Zamorano-Elgueta C, Di Bella C. 2020. Natural forests loss and tree plantations: large-scale tree cover loss differentiation in a threatened biodiversity hotspot. Environmental Research Letters 15: 124055. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abca64

• Altamirano AGonzalez-Suhr C, Marien C, Catalán G, Miranda A, Prado M, Tits L, Vieli L, Meli P. 2020. Landscape disturbance gradients: the Importance of the type of scene when evaluating landscape preferences and perceptions. Land  9: 306 doi:

• Martín-Gallego, Aplin, P, Marston C, Altamirano A, Pauchard A. 2020. Detecting and modelling alien tree presence using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in Chile’s temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management 474: 118353. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118353.

• Miranda A, Carrasco J, González M, Pais C, Lara A, Altamirano A, Weintraub A, Syphard A. 2020. Evidence-based mapping of the wildland-urban interface to better identify human communities threatened by wildfires. Environmental Research Letters doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab9be5

• Miranda A, Lara A, Altamirano A, Di Bella C, González M, Camarero JJ. 2020. Forest browning trends in response to drought in a highly threatened Mediterranean landscape of South America. Ecological Indicators 115: 106401.

• Lison F, Jimenez M, Altamirano A, Haz A, Calvo JF, Jones G. 2020. Bat ecology and conservation in semi-arid and arid landscapes: A global systematic review. Mammal Review doi: 10.1111/mam.12175

• Rey Benayas JM, Altamirano A, Miranda A, Catalan G, Prado M, Lisón F, Bullock J. 2020. Landscape restoration in a mixed agricultural-forest catchment: planning a buffer strip and hedgerow network in a Chilean biodiversity hotspot. Ambio 49: 310-323.

• Miranda A, Catalán G, Altamirano A, Cavieres M. 2020. Automating site assessments using data from UAVs. Pp 64-73 in Elliott S, Gale G, Robertson M. (Eds). Automated Forest Restoration: Could Robots Revive Rain Forests? Proceedings of a brain-storming workshop, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, FORRU-CMU 254 pp.  On line:

• Miranda A, Vásquez I, Becerra P, Smith-Ramírez C, Delpiano C, Hernández-Moreno A, Altamirano A. 2019. Traits of perch trees promote seed dispersal of endemic fleshy-fruit species in degraded areas of endangered Mediterranean ecosystems. Journal of Arid Environments doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.103995

• Altamirano A, Miranda A, Meli P, Dehennin J, Muys B, Prado M, Catalan G, Smith-Ramirez C, Bustamante-Sanchez M, Lison F, Rey-Benayas JM. 2019. Spatial congruence among indicators of recovery completeness in a Mediterranean forest landscape: Implications for planning large-scale restoration. Ecological Indicators 102: 752-759.

Marquet P, Lara, A, Altamirano, A. Alaniz A, Álvarez C, Castillo M, Galleguillos, M, Grez A, Gutiérrez A, Hoyos‐Santillán J, Manuschevich D, Garay RM, Miranda A, Ostria E, Peña‐Cortéz F, Pérez‐Quezada J, Sepúlveda A, Simonetti J, Smith C. 2019. Cambio de uso del suelo en Chile: Oportunidades de mitigación ante la emergencia climática. Informe de la mesa Biodiversidad. Santiago: Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación.

• Lara A, Urrutia-Jalabert R, Reyes R, González, M, Miranda A, Altamirano A, Zamorano C. 2019. Bosques Nativos. In: Informe País. Estado del Medio Ambiente en Chile 2018. Centro de Análisis de Políticas Públicas,  Instituto de Asuntos Públicos, Universidad de Chile, 600 pp.

• Miranda A, Lara A, Altamirano A, Zamorano-Elgueta C, Hernández J, González M, Pauchard A, Promis A. 2018. Monitoreo de la superficie de los bosques nativos de Chile: un desafío pendiente. Bosque 39(2): 265-275.

• Salas C, Gregoire TC, Fuentes-Ramirez A, Altamirano A, Yaitul V. 2018. A study on the effects of unbalanced data when fitting logistic regression models in ecology. Ecological Indicators 85: 502–508.


• Lisón F, Altamirano A, Field R, Jones G. 2017. Conservation on the blink: deficient technical reports threaten conservation in the Natura 2000 network. Biological Conservation 209: 11-16.


• Miranda A, Altamirano A, Cayuela L, Lara A, González M. 2017. Native forest loss in the Chilean biodiversity hotspot: revealing the evidence. Regional Environmental Change 17 (1): 285-297.


• Altamirano A, Cely JP, Etter A, Miranda A, Fuentes-Ramírez A, Acevedo P, Salas C, Vargas R. 2016. The invasive species Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae) shows high dynamism in a fragmented landscape of south-central Chile. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188: 495-509.


• Miranda A, Hernández HJ, Bustamante R, Díaz EM, González LA, Altamirano A. 2016. Natural regeneration and spatial distribution patterns of Chilean palm Jubaea chilensis (Molina) Baillon in Mediterranean forests of Central Chile. Gayana Botánica 73(1): 54-63.


• Miranda A, Altamirano A, Cayuela L, Pincheira F, Lara A. 2015. Different times, same story: native forest loss and landscape homogenization in three physiographical areas of south-central of Chile. Applied Geography 60: 20-28.


• Altamirano A, Schlegel B, Thiers O, Miranda A, Pilquinao B, Orrego R, Rocha C. 2015. Biomass stock and potential energy for the dendroenergy development based on native forests of south-central Chile. Bosque 36: 223-237.


• Altamirano A, Aplin P, Miranda A, Cayuela L, Algar A, Field R. 2013. High rates of forest loss and turnover obscured by classical landscape measures. Applied Geography 40: 199-211.


• Altamirano A, Salas C, Yaitul V, Smith-Ramírez C, Ávila A . 2013. The influence of landscape heterogeneity on forest fire occurrence in central Chile. Revista de Geografía del Norte Grande 55:157-170.


• Altamirano A, Miranda A, Jiménez, C. 2012.  Uncertainty of landscape indices for spatial structure analysis. Bosque 33: 171-181.


• Altamirano A, Salas C, Yaitul, V, Miranda A, Smith-Ramírez C. 2011. Box 3.4: Human-caused forest fires in Mediterranean ecosystems of Chile: modelling landscape spatial patterns of forest fire occurrence (page 96). In: Echeverría C, Kitzberger T, Rivera R, Manson R, Vaca R, Cristóbal L, Machuca G, González D, and Fuentes R. Assessing fragmentation and degradation of dryland forest ecosystems. In: Newton AC and Tejedor N (eds.). Principles and Practice of Forest Landscape Restoration. Case studies from the drylands of Latin America. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. xxvi + 383 pp. (ISBN 978-2-8317-1340-3).


 Altamirano A, Field R, Cayuela L, Aplin P, Rey-Benayas JM, Lara A. 2010. Woody species

diversity  in temperate Andean forests: the need for new conservation strategies. Biological Conservation 143: 2080-2091.


• Altamirano A, Lara A. 2010. Deforestation in temperate ecosystems of pre-Andean range of south-central Chile. Bosque 31: 53-64.


• Altamirano A, Pincheira F. 2010. Dinámica del paisaje en la Reserva de la Biósfera Araucarias. Boletín Biota 7: 5.


• Lara A, C Echeverría, O Thiers, E Huss, B Escobar, K Tripp, C Zamorano, A Altamirano. 2008. Restauración de bosques en América Latina. In: González-Espinosa M, Rey-Benayas JM, y Ramírez-Marcial N (eds.). Restauración ecológica de coníferas longevas: el caso de Alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides) en el sur de Chile. Fundación Internacional para la Restauración de Ecosistemas (FIRE) y Editorial Mundi-Prensa México, México. 39-55. (ISBN 978-968-7462-49-3).


• Altamirano A, Echeverría C, Lara A. 2007. Effect of forest fragmentation on vegetation structure of Legrandia concinna (Myrtaceae) threatened populations in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 80: 27-42.


• González-Espinosa M, N Ramírez-Marcial, AC Newton, JM Rey-Benayas, A Camacho-Cruz, JJ Armesto, A Lara, C Echeverría, A Premoli, G Williams-Linera, A Altamirano, C Alvarez-Aquino, M Cortés, L Galindo-Jaimes, MA Muñiz, MC Núñez-Avila, RA Pedraza, AE Rovere, C Smith-Ramírez, O Thiers, C Zamorano. 2007. Restoration of forest ecosystems in fragmented landscapes of temperate and montane tropical Latin America. In: Newton, A.C. (ed.). Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America. CAB International, Wallingford (UK). 335-369.


• Altamirano A, Aplin P, Field R, Lara A. 2006. Deforestation patterns in south-central of Chile using satellite imagery. Biological Research 39: 61.

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